


GHOSTED is the suspenseful story of an unusual love affair that bridges two cultures and two cities.


The sudden death in unexplained circumstances of her young Taiwanese lover Ai-ling throws Hamburg artist Sophie Schmitt totally off balance. She travels to Taipei to exhibit a video installation dedicated to Ai-ling. On the opening night, Sophie is approached by a pushy journalist, Mei-li, who takes her on a trip to the famous Taipei night markets and tries to seduce the grieving artist. But Sophie rejects her and returns to Hamburg.


Shortly thereafter, Mei-li turns up on Sophie’s doorstep unannounced. Soon, Sophie realizes that Mei-li is secretly investigating Ai-ling’s death. A series of strange happenings and sudden flashes of recollection unsettle Sophie. Then she discovers that the Taiwanese newspaper that Mei-Li claims to work for has never heard of her and that nobody by that name has ever entered Germany.

So who is this mysterious woman?



Monika Treut


In the mid-eighties Ms. Treut started to write, direct and produce award-winning independent features (SEDUCTION: THE CRUEL WOMAN, 1985; VIRGIN MACHINE, 1988; MY FATHER IS COMING, 1991; EROTIQUE/ LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX, 1994) and documentaries (FEMALE MISBEHAVIOR, 1992; DIDN’T DO IT FOR LOVE, 1997; GENDERNAUTS, 1999) which screened at numerous film festivals throughout the world - among them Berlin and Toronto - and enjoy international distribution. As Frédéric Strauss mentioned “Monika Treut has always put the experience and the pleasure of the senses in the foreground of her films with a subtle sense of humor and a real tenderness for her characters.


Since 2003 Treut started working in Taiwan. Her portrait of 3 women TIGERWOMEN GROW WINGS premiered at the 2005 Berlin filmfestival (Panorama) and her documentary on the young Taiwanese dancer Yi-chun MADE IN TAIWAN aired on 3-sat/ZDF and PTS-TV in Taiwan in the fall of 2005.




2005         MADE IN TAIWAN



2002         WARRIOR OF LIGHT

1992        GENDERNAUTS


1991         MY FATHER IS COMING

1988         VIRGIN MACHINE






Director’s Statement


My enduring interest in Taiwanese culture began during my first visit in 2002 when invited by the film festival “Women Make Waves” to show a retrospective of my work. My fascination with the unique Taiwanese mix of modernity and tradition has inspired me to make two documentaries. While working on TIGERWOMEN GROW WINGS the renowned writer Li Ang, one of the protagonist, introduced me to ghost stories. One part of the ghost mythology especially interested me: the female revenge ghost. Women are suddenly allowed to move freely in the world and exact retribution. The way we deal with the death of beloved people in Western countries is very sad:  everyone mourns in loneliness, bottled-up with fear and guilt, whereas Taiwanese can express their emotions outwardly through collective rituals.   


GHOSTED deals with the universal feeling of losing a beloved person. The story combines and mixes Eastern ghost mythology and motifs from German and Anglo-Saxon Romanticism. Our world is more homogenized and interconnected than ever before but at the same time it gives the appearance of individuality and cultural diversity. With GHOSTED I want to build a bridge between two worlds by showing the differences and similarities between them.



Detailed Credits


Sophie Schmitt:  Inga Busch

Ai-Ling Chen: Huan-Ru Ke

Mei-Li Wang: Ting-Ting Hu

Katrin Bendersen: Jana Schulz

Leon: Marek Harloff

Uncle Chen Fu: Jack Kao

Ya-Ching: Yi-Ching Lu

Patrick: Kevin Chen

Patrick’s Father: Chian-Tze Liu

Patrick’s Mother: Yi-Ching Lu

Judy: Nai Wen Chang

Mysterious Man: Rong-Yu Wang

Mysterious Lady: Ru-Yun Tang

Voice of Zie-Tian: Cheng-Yi Yang

Mr. Jaspers: Michael Varnhorn

Mark: Sean McCormack

Mr. Hsie: Tzen-Ping Su

Mr. Lee: Nick Dong-Sik

Young Woman: Tina Wang

Business Woman: Hui-Ju Li

Guest 1: Manfred Geier

Guest 2: Christoph Heitmann


Assistant Director             Bruno Grass

Intercultural Consultant      Nai Wen Chang

Director of Photography    Bernd Meiners

Assistant Camera              Jörg Jahn

Chief Lighting Technician           Gunter (Gandhi) Damm

Costume Designer             Petra Kilian

Key Make-up Artist           Fe Ferber

Line Producer                   Patrick Brandt

Unit Manager                    Christoph Heitmann

Production Coordinator      Sonja Meyer

Office Manager Hyena Films     Sabine Linz

Production Accountant       Klaus Kraft

Assistant Accountant         Konstantin Geisel

Producer                           Monika Treut

Co-Producers                    Li-Fen Chien, Aileen Li

Screenwriters                    Astrid Ströher, Monika Treut

Director                            Monika Treut


Crew Hamburg


Location Manager             Marten Riese

Set Manager                     Marie Sorgenfrei

2nd Assistant Director       Alexander Henneke

Script/Continuity                Kerstin Wahrlich

Electrician                         Klaus Pirch

Still Photographer              Baernd Fraatz

Production Design             Isolde Ruter

Set Design                        Sabine Kasch

Property Master                Meike Pauly

Property Assistant             Laura Naschlenas

Swing Gang                      Gerald Gustav, Cine Bau

Stunt Co-Ordinator            Rainer Werner

Make-up Assistant             Britt Schaefer

Costume Assistant             Diana Dietrich

Wardrobe                          Sa Yang

Recording Mixer               Andreas Pitann

Boom Operator                 Thomas Ott


Crew Taiwan


Production Accountant       Shu-Ling Chen

Line Producer                   Kids Hsu

Production Coordinator      Shuwa Chang

Production Coordinator      Tzu-Yi Chang

2nd Assistant Director       Isadorna Huang

Script/Continuity                Sonja Meyer

Electrician                         Sian-Jyue Jhang

Recording Mixer               Chiao-Hao Yang

Boom Operator                Shan-Jhih Chang

Production Design             Cheng-Yi Yang

Set Design Assistants        Shating Hsu

                                        Hua Zi Fan

                                        Jin-Siang Lai

Costume Assistant             Joy Yen

Make-up Assistant             Eva Wang

Production Assistants         Garbo Ho

                                        Fat-Cat Wu

                                        Chuan-Yu Sun

                                        Kay Wu

                                        Mine Kazper Lee

Still Photographers             Maggie Hu, Yu-Hsien Liao

Publicist                            Steven Tu

Graphic Artist                    Jeremi Chang-Chien


Editor                               Renate Ober

Assistant Editor                 Nana Novosad

Tape Transfers                  Thomas Bronner


Sound Design                    Uwe Haas

Music Composer               Uwe Haas

Re-recording Mixers          Pierre Brand, Uwe Haas

Recording Studio               Primetime Studio Gmbh

                                        Loft Tonstudios GmbH

Title Design                      Oliver Lammert, Madeleine Dewald


German/English                Finbarr Morrin, Neil Saccamano

English/Chinese                Chen Ting

Chinese/German                Nai Wen Chang, Martina Hasse

Post Production Consultant                Roland Musolff

HDTV Mastering & Colorgrading      Chroma Film & TV GmbH
Colorist                             Oliver Schumacher

HD to Film Transfer          The Film Republic GmbH

Translation Subtitles           Tonike Traum, Colin Richardson

Subtitling Company            Subs

Lab Taiwan                       Taipei Motion Picture Corp.

PR                                   Doris Bandhold Filmpromotion

Making Of                        Chih-Tien Wang, Matthias Kahrs

                                        Madeleine Dewald, Oliver Lammert,

Legal Services                  Christian Füllgraf

Tax Consultant                  StB Lehmann & Piekarek, Margret Stuhr



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