
《河豚》國際影評  by Niels Matthijs

《河豚》海報國際版.jpg2011.12.06 Twitch:Film Reviews / Niels Matthijs

( 節譯 )河豚》絕對稱得上是2011年最浪漫的電影之一,但除非你完全沈浸在導演李啟源的手法和風格裡,否則你也有可能覺得這是個有史以來最單調的故事。我個人喜愛這部電影,從頭至尾。樂於再度邂逅一對沈默的男女,沒有過多的言語和爆發的情緒,卻是如此真實的活在影片裡。這部電影在本月底絕對會列入我的年度榜單,但我再度提醒想觀賞的人,最好瞭解自己接觸的是一部什麼樣的電影。

< 影評原文 > 

Taiwanese dramas are usually a pretty safe bet and while most of them are not all that original or creative, in the end they definitely know how to deliver. Blowfish is one of the best examples I've seen so far, only sparingly experimenting with more frivolous elements, yet fleshing out on of the dearest romances I've seen on film so far. Chi Y. Lee just bumped up a few notches on my list of notable discoveries.

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原文載自 Twitch:Film Reviews


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